Friday, March 11, 2011

Color me spoiled

I'm not much of a "label" girl. I prefer to shop the clearance rack at Target, so I didn't expect to be quite so excited when I saw this box and the necklace that came inside it:

Happy Birthday to me!

What I've found does the most good is just to get into a taxi and go to Tiffany's. It calms me down right away, the quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there, not with those kind men in their nice suits...
~Breakfast at Tiffany's

Dirty 30? Mmmm..not so much.

Turning 30 last month wasn't nearly as shocking as it could've been. I definitely feel old, but I'm also excited about this new decade of life. I can only hope I'll have it figured out a bit more than I did in my 20s.

I'm not sure why JW went with the whole "I'm almost 7 so I need to be cool" pose while I went with the "Let's pretend I'm still in high school" pose, but he sure is handsome, and that cake...oh that strawberry cake!

Happy Anna Shaw Howard Day to you!

Excuse me while I recap February for you during March...

We'll start with Anna Shaw Howard Day, aka, Valentine's Day. Hopefully any fans of "30 Rock" out there will know the importance of Anna Shaw Howard for Liz.

A is a big fan of cookies, but when he's in workout mode all those cookies I bake for him are the first to go. Since it had been three months since his last taste of an "oatmeal raisie" (his favorite that I managed to perfect after so many batches), I decided to make a small batch of dough that would make just enough for him to enjoy, but not throw off his ability to continue to drop 30 pounds in a mere 3 months (men!!!). After they finished baking, it dawned on me that I had heart shaped cookie cutters I bought on clearance last V-Day. I dug through all the kitchen utensils I rarely use, and I found them still in the unopened box a year later. Oatmeal Raisin cookies aren't really meant to be shaped by cookie cutters so I struggled a bit, but here they are complete with a (precious) little "A & S" in festive sparkly red gel I had in the cabinet - Anna Shaw Howard Day only comes around once a year after all so why not go all out?